Hello there,
I came across your site during some research I
was doing at one of Her Majesty's establishments
It looks like you have had a lot of very
interesting holidays, and I am sure you have had
a few scrapes and some merry japes during your
travels, so I was wondering whether you could
write some of your experiences down for me? The
bank balance is a little low now, and I seem to
have scraped the bottom of the old brain box for
stories for the books, as it where.
Of course, I will be writing about my time spent
at Her Majesty's pleasure, but there are still
the legal bills, fines, and what not to pay. So I
thought a couple more blockbusters would come in
handy. I will of course ensure you will be
remunerated - you can trust me, I am a man of my
word, not to mention a Lord of the Realm - for
the time being anyway.
Best regards,
Lord Archer.